Life’s been rocky for Research in Motion (RIM) in recent years. The Canadian telecommunications giant that once possessed a rock-solid hold over the smartphone market has seen its brand equity and market penetration significantly diminished by the release of Apple’s iPhone and Google’s Android platform.
Along with dwindling profits comes a decreased mobile cultural presence. With its lightning fast product lifecycles, the world of tech practically functions in dog years. Six months constitutes half a decade in this land. Which is how Blackberry, the smartphone that once inspired its own cultish legion of “Crackberry” devotees, has fallen from grace to become the bête noire of mobile computing.
When we tell people that the Appguppy platform develops mobile apps that work on iPhone, Android AND Blackberry, we usually get an earful about how RIM doesn’t matter anymore or raised eyebrows over why our genius co-founder bothered to write all those lines of specialized code to make sure your customized mobile app would work on Blackberry.
Discounting RIM is both shortsighted and misguided. If you want to go mobile, you need a multi-platform app strategy. And that must include Blackberry. Because what we all know and love about tech is that a speedy comeback is as probable as a tumble off the fanboy pedestal. The good news is that our instincts about Blackberry proved right on the money. Recently, several news outlets made our day when they reported that RIM is rapidly outselling Apple’s iPhone in India.
It comes down to this. We’re the first and only mobile app development software out there that lets you take your business anywhere, and to anyone, through mobile.
Have you ever wanted to take your business to a large market like India? Thanks to Appguppy, you can. By signing up with us, you have a much better chance of reaching 602 million Indian mobile subscribers and potential customers on a Blackberry than you would on an iPhone.
Having your app work on Blackberry starts sounding better all the time, doesn’t it?
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